It seems like the majority of women I know are currently in the process of reproducing.  With a weekend visit to a friend’s house with a new baby, and a baby shower for my cousin coming up this weekend, I thought I would post a few of my favorite baby items that we own for Parker.  These are items that I would definetly buy again.

1. Baby Swing


Best. Thing. Ever.


The baby swing has been AWESOME. There have been countless times when nothing would calm Parker down. I put him in the swing. BAM. It’s like magic.  For real.  Buy one.

2. Motorola Baby Monitor

Baby Monitor

Baby Monitor

The baby monitor is essential.  This one is great!  I know having the video is not completely necessary, but being able to see the baby when he is crying really helps me to tell if something is wrong very quickly.  The Babys-R-Us version comes with 2 cameras, which is extremely useful.  Currently, we keep one in the box to bring with us when we travel, so we never have to climb up to the shelf to take down the one in the nursery.  If you have multiple children, this is also a very useful feature.  You can also rotate the camera to view the room with the monitor piece, which is just very futuristic and fun.  Plus, there is an option to talk to the baby through the monitor, which while we rarely use it to talk to the actual baby, it is very useful to communicate with another adult in the room with less disturbance of the half asleep baby.  Not only that, but it is a great mechanism to scare the bejesus out of said adult, which my husband loves to do.  All the time.

3.  Rainforest Play Mat

Rainforest Play Mat

Rainforest Play Mat


Parker loves to play. Until he gets bored. This play mat entertains him for a long time. We have used it since he came home from the hospital, and still use it now, 7 months later. Great for tummy time, and you can add your own toys to change things up. Plus it’s easily portable and can go in the washing machine. That means you can bring it with you everywhere – and you know you always have a clean surface to let your baby play on the floor no matter where you go.

4. Ergo Baby Carrier

Ergo Baby

Ergo Baby


I tried several different carriers, and I liked this one the best.  It fits comfortably on me, and I think Parker is pretty comfortable also.  I like that you can wear it 3 different ways (I use the side carry most often.)  I use this at the grocery store, cooking in the kitchen, going on hikes -it has lots of uses.

5. Sophie



This is definitely Parker’s favorite teether toy.  It was more expensive than other teethers, so at first I was skeptical, but he LOVES it!  He gets super excited and attacks that giraffe like it’s nobody’s business.  It sorta reminds me of a shark or dinosaur or some other very large animal attacking its prey.  I guess he likes the material, plus it is very easy for him to grip and slash around.  Be careful of Sophie’s limbs though.  Once, Parker stuck a spotted leg down his throat, and I had to pull Sophie out of his mouth whilst he made choking noises – nearly gave me a heart attack, but he was back to gnawing on her head within seconds.  So, lesson learned – don’t leave alone with Sophie.

6. Pampers Swaddlers

Pampers Swaddlers

Leakage = no fun


Pampers Swaddlers are my favorite diapers so far.  We tried several other brands that led to much leakage.  While he has had a few leaks with the pampers, it has been far less often.  So yay for that!  FYI – join Amazon Mom.  Diapers are 20% off and are delivered free to your house.  Can’t beat that.

7. Rock-N-Play



The Rock-N-Play served as a bassinet when Parker was an infant, a travel crib for vacations, and a nice spot to set him down once in awhile.  I have read reviews that this contraption causes flat head syndrome, but Parker’s head is still nice and rounded.  We just made sure to watch him closely and give plenty of tummy time!  I also felt very happy I had this device when Parker was very sick with Bronchiolitis at 2 months old.  He was able to sleep at an incline, which helped prevent choking on mucous.  Always a plus.

 8. Baby Jogger Stroller

Baby Jogger Elite

Baby Jogger Elite

This stroller is definitely Off-Road.  With big tires and suspension – the thing may as well have four wheel drive.  We camp.  A lot.  We are always going on some hiking trail or other, and this stroller keeps up.  I have gone over roots and grass, up and down hills, through puddles and even over gravel.  It doesn’t disappoint.  While the specs say not to use it as a jogging stroller (despite the Baby Jogger name – i know, confusing right?)  I haven’t had any trouble running through the neighborhood.  I have the adapter for the Chicco carseat, which works great, although it makes the stroller a bit more top heavy.  I refrained from running or going on super rough terrain while using the carseat adapter.  The stroller handles well, and is super easy to fold up.  It is heavy and quite large, however, so bring it with you if you are shopping for a new SUV.  It didn’t fit in the back of a few that we test drove!

9. Bathtub Spa

Baby Spa

Baby Spa


So at first I thought this was overkill.  And, well, I guess it is.  But it’s AWESOME!  It comes with a sling, so we were able to use it from day 1.  Now that Parker is big enough to sit up without plummeting into the water every 5 seconds, we have started using the bubbles.  When I switch from bubbles to whirlpool he gets all excited and splashes.  The shower spout is pretty handy also.  So fun.  I mean…who doesn’t want a whirlpool?


10. Play Mat




This play mat is great for our hard wood floors.  It gives Parker a soft place to play that is also cute!  Now that he is a little bigger it doubles as a giant size puzzle 🙂



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