cher bebe

cher bebe



No one likes them.

Well…technically I don’t mind them because I’m completely mesmerized by watching the whole process, but “like” is a strong word. And if we don’t like them, little babies like them even less. Parker had his 6 month shots yesterday, and the poor guy was up all night. There is something that just tugs at your heart and rips it to pieces when that crying face looks up at you while you are holding them down so they can get stuck with a needle…on purpose. They are screaming, and you just know they are thinking, “WTF, mom, I thought you loved me.” And you want to cry because they are crying. And you feel like a terrible person. And then it’s over, and they are back to laughing and blowing bubbles and whatever your kid does when he/she is happy.  And you realize that all that dramatic buildup was worse than the actual shot.  That being said, some babies (like Parker) can be fussy for several days after shots.   So here is my list of tips for moms and dads bringing their babies in for their shots.



1. Schedule it on a Friday


If you are a working mom, you may find that you want to stay home with your little guy/gal the day following shots. Last night Parker was up crying from 10pm until 2:30am. Some babies sleep extra after shots, but apparently not Parker. We were both exhausted this morning, and I ended up taking vacation to stay home a little bit longer.



2. Bring a toy

SophieA few seconds of distraction after a shot is like magic. One squeak from Sophie the Giraffe and Parker was grinning from ear to ear.





3. Remember – it is good for him/her.

stethoscopeThis is a bit controversial, so do your research before making a decision. I decided vaccinations are important for me and my family – here is a video my friend Matt Fletcher, M.D., from New Orleans Children’s Hospital recommended on the importance of vaccines.





4. Look for allergic reactions

alergiesAfter trying everything with Parker – giving baby tylenol, changing his diaper, changing his clothes in case he was too hot or uncomfortable, trying the swing, breastfeeding – he was still upset. My husband reminded me that we should check for an allergic reaction. We examined him in the light to be sure he didn’t have any rash. He was looking fine and not running fever, but checking for a reaction was something I had forgotten to do until Kent reminded me.




5. Consider giving baby tylenol before going to have shots

tylenolI did this before his 4 months shots and didn’t for the 6 month shots.  It didn’t seem to make much difference for Parker, but maybe it will help you.





6.  Give extra snuggles



I threw out all the sleep training techniques I had worked so hard on and snuggled that baby all night long.  I don’t know if it made him feel better, but it made me feel better!  He was back sleeping in his own crib soon enough!




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